There's a lot of talk about Artificial Intelligence these days. As an author who's novels…
The Penultimate Giveaway

It’s the next-to-last giveaway. And that means In A Far-Off Land is almost in your hands! In fact, if you live in the Stillwater, MN, area read on for an announcement about signed pre-orders available EARLY. And for out-of-town folks, I’ve got a surprise for you ask well.
But for right now–and for all of you–I’d like to introduce a fantastic writer and someone I have admired for many years. Tosca Lee is truly one-of-a-kind. I met her when she was writing Biblical fiction, but Tosca is multi-talented and has excelled in many genres, including the thriller that I’m giving away this week. Here’s a peek at The Line Between:
When Wynter Roth finally escapes from New Earth, a self-contained doomsday cult on the American prairie, she emerges into a world poised on the brink of madness as a mysterious outbreak of rapid early onset dementia spreads across the nation. As Wynter struggles to start over in a world she’s been taught to regard as evil, she finds herself face-to-face with the apocalypse she’s feared all her life—until the night her sister shows up at her doorstep with a set of medical samples. That night, Wynter learns there’s something far more sinister at play: that the prophet they once idolized has been toying with the fate of mankind, and that these samples are key to understanding the disease. Now, as the power grid fails and the nation descends into chaos, Wynter must find a way to get the samples to a lab in Colorado. Uncertain who to trust, she takes up with former military man Chase Miller, who has his own reasons for wanting to get close to the samples in her possession, and to Wynter, herself.

Sounds eerily familiar, doesn’t it? I read this in 2019 when it came out, but now I can’t wait to read the sequel, A Single Light. Maybe Tosca will tell us how our real-life pandemic will play out. Here’s what Tosca so kindly had to say about In A Far-Off Land.
“An irresistible story of glittering dreams, desperate decisions, and the search for redemption set amidst the glitz and cutthroat reality of Depression-era Hollywood. Full of mystery, intrigue, and poignant humanity, In a Far-Off Land is a cinematic trip back in time that readers will not want to miss.” Tosca Lee, New York Times bestselling author
I can’t tell you how much it means to hear that from an author I admire!
So how can you win The Line Between (Or A Single Light if you’ve already read the first book)?
I’m glad you asked.
Since last week we did Instagram, this week I’m going to ask you to go over to FACEBOOK and like, love, or hug THIS PINNED POST with Tosca’s endorsement. Then tag a friend who you are looking forward to seeing when our pandemic is over (or now, if the pandemic is over for you). That’s it. Don’t forget two steps: like/love/hug the post AND tag a friend in the comments.
Contest runs from April 22 through Monday, April 26. Winner can choose either an e-book (everyone) or paperback copy (continental U.S. only) not affilated with Facebook.
Now for that announcement: I have it on good authority that Valley Bookseller in Stillwater will have EARLY COPIES of In A Far-Off Land! Yes! So, if you pre-ordered from Valley Bookseller in Stillwater, MN (or maybe even if you didn’t) you can get your signed books on Tuesday, April 27th. A FULL WEEK BEFORE RELEASE. Thank you, Valley.
As for you non-locals, I haven’t forgotten you. I can’t come to your town and sign your book but I can do the next best thing. If you’ve pre-ordered In A Far-Off Land, just send me a screenshot or forward of the shipping notice (and your address) to my email: and I’ll send you a signed bookplate for your copy. I’ll even sign bookplates for your mother or friend if you’ve bought books as gifts for them. It’s not to late to pre-order! You can get it on Amazon HERE or Baker Book House HERE or anywhere you order books.
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Would love to win a print copy! Thanks for the opportunity!
Love a good mystery!
Thank you for the chance to win this book.