There's a lot of talk about Artificial Intelligence these days. As an author who's novels…
Spectacular Christmas Book Party Recommendations

Remember you can get many of these books from Baker Book House and use the discount code SPECTACULAR30. Details below.
First, here’s where a few of our guests were signing in from! Isn’t it amazing to see how books bring together people from all over the country?
Hello from Holly, Michigan. Thanks!
Pittsburgh PA
Winnipeg Canada
Hello from Idaho Falls, Idaho
Bayport, MN
Watching from Utah!
Hello from Pennsylvania
Hello from Iowa
Hi from Ohio
HI From – Virginia!
Hello from Stillwater, MN
Hi everyone! Checking in from northern Utah!
Hi, from Rockford, Illinois
Hi, I’m in Maryland
Hello from Wisconsin❤️
Hi, from Kansas.
Hello! I’m in Ellington, CT
Hi! Grand Rapids, Michigan
Hello everyone from Cedar Bluff Alabama
Hello from central Texas!
Hello everyone, I’m from San Diego, California.
Now let’s get down to the book recommendations. Remember you can get many of these books from Baker Book House and use the discount code SPECTACULAR30. Details below. Others are linked to other online retailers where we have them. I’ve included some fun quotes from the party where they came up. The enthusiasm for all these books was fantastic!
First from our line-up of fabulous authors.
Patricia Raybon: find her at
All That is Secret
“I’ve been fan-girling about this book all over the internet”
Jocelyn Green: find her at
Her books:
“It’s a great series, I’m loving it, Jocelyn”
“Loved both of these Jocelyn!”
Kate Breslin: find her at
Kate’s books:
“I’m just a few chapters in on Kate Breslin’s book and it’s sooooo good!”
“I’m reading it now and it’s fantastic, Kate! So fascinating!”
Regina Jennings: find her at
Regina’s books:
“Regina’s new book is on my Christmas list. I always enjoy her books.”
“I just love your writing, Regina. Especially the Fort series!”
“Love the dress!”
And me, Stephanie Landsem: Find me at
In A Far-Off Land:
“Reading now and💕💕💕it!”
“It sounds intriguing, Stephanie. I’ll put it on my wish list.”
Next, the recommendations from our authors. You can watch the video to hear all their great commentary about the books they chose, but I’ll pull a few quotes here for you:
Patricia Raybon recommends:
“I’m going to start with one of my favorite books of all the world, I hope everybody can see it. It is by Alan Payton, who’s a South African writer.” Cry, the Beloved Country
Ordinary Grace “It’s just flawless, in my opinion, as a mystery lover.”
Tallgrass “It’s one of my favorites, because it is a Colorado story. And for people who maybe not, may not know that much about Colorado history, or even about the internment time during World War Two, it’s a, it’s a wonderful entry into that drama and that story, and I’m happy to share it tonight.”
Jocelyn Green Recommends:
“This is historical fiction, but it goes deep into character development . It’s just the most beautiful book about this small town and the relationships in it” The Incredible Winston Brown, by Sean Dietrich.
“Again, really wonderful character development. So good for anyone who likes a good historical novel that doesn’t necessarily have romance in it but it makes you feel and especially if you have any adoption in your, in your family in your circles. The Nature of Small Birds
“This richly historical and lively paced story has all the makings of a modern classic. And I believe that it’s really good” The Barrister and the Letter of Marque
“Alright, so for those of you who love the romance,” Tidewater Bride
Recommendations from Kate Breslin:
“I think it’s just a wonderful gift to give this year for the holidays or just when you’re ready to curl up with a cup of tea and your favorite socks and curl up with a good book in front of the fireplace.” Under the Texas Mistletoe
The Socialite.
“It’s larger than life characters, a lot of adventure, intrigue, and that’s one of my favorite kind of reads myself.”
The London Restoration “Rachel McMillan does a fabulous job on all the details of the different cathedrals that were damaged during the war. And I’m a history geek. So I just can’t wait to go over there and take a tour of of all the cathedrals”
You can pre-order The Mozart Code by Rachel McMillan also.
A Lady in Attendance “And I love this book. It takes place I think Midwest in during the 1800s. And Hazel is a girl who basically was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Regina Jennings recommends:
An Alleged Rogue “This is a new author to me, but I’m really enjoying this if you enjoy Regency romance this is for you.”
Next year in Havana “I recommend it for Book Club lovers. It’s kind of that book club type of book where a lot of discussion possibilities and then to you learn a lot of history.”
The Mistletoe Countess “It is so funny and the heroine is just delightful. She is spontaneous and fun. And there’s a big mystery in it as well.
“My list of TBR is growing by the minute!”
Stephanie Landsem recommends:
Under the Magnolias “Fantastic if you are an 80s girl, or if you are buying a book as a gift for an 80s girl”
Finding Mrs. Lewis “A story of Joy Davidson, how she ended up meeting CS Lewis, the struggles they had, and just how they got through all these difficulties and married.”
Project Hail Mary “This is about a very geeky science teacher, who ends up saving the entire universe. And it sounds like an outlandish story. But when you’re reading it, it seems like it could happen.”
Our guests recommend:
Anne of Green Gables
I’d recommend any of Amanda Dykes’ books! They’re fantastic! She’s such an exquisite writer!
Once Upon a Wardrobe by Patti Callahan is excellent. It is about C. S. Lewis and how the Chronicles of Narnia came about
Anne of Green Gables
I love Sian Ann Bessey! I just read An Alleged Rogue and loved it!
I love Sian Ann Bessey. She has another new book with three other authors called Heirs of Falcon Point. It is amazing
An Alleged Rogue is on my radar! This author is one of FOUR authors who wrote one of my favorite releases this year called the Heirs of Falcon Point!
I just read Once Upon a Wardrobe by Patti Callahan and really enjoyed it!
The Watcher by Sara Davison
The Romanov Conspiracy by Glenn Meade
I recommend The Mobster’s Daughter by Rachel Scott McDaniel.
A Midnight Dance by Joanna Davidson Politano is another fabulous book
I Loved A midnight dance!
I recommend Dear Mrs. Bird by AJ Pearce – I haven’t read the sequel Yours, Cheerfully yet but I’ll recommend it anyway. For fans of WWII and England.
And some final words from our guests:
Thank you! This was fun!
Great book recommendations
This was really fun! It’s so helpful to get book recommendations from my favorite authors!
Thanks to all who joined us, to our fabulous author guests, to Becky Robinson of Weaving Influence who did all the technical fun, and to Baker Book House for the amazing discount on these great titles!
Thank you!
I Love Baker Book House!!
I love their preorders
Love Baker Book House! My favorite find during quarantine!