The Hebgen Lake Earthquake of 1959 struck on a moonlit August night in western Montana,…
Looking Forward To Lent

I look forward to Lent. After the excitement, busyness, and sometimes overindulgence of Christmas, the coming of Lent promises something that is sorely needed in my life: 40 days in the desert with Jesus.
Lent is a time for quiet, prayer, fasting, and a refocus. A time to ready ourselves for the coming mystery and joy of The Resurrection.
I try to do three things every Lent:
- Give something up: it doesn’t have to be something big (like coffee) but something that will remind me each day that this is the time in the desert.
- Do something new: something that brings me closer to Jesus like going to daily mass, visiting the nursing home every Saturday, or spending time in silence each afternoon.
- Read something good: The Bible is always a good choice, as are stories of the Saints, a good devotional or commentary, or even good fiction!
What do you do for Lent? Tell me how you meet Jesus in the desert in the comments below.
Are you looking for something to read for Lent? Consider The Living Water Series or Walk In Her Sandals, Experiencing Christ’s Passion Through the Eyes of Women:
Each book of The Living Water Series is the story of women encountering Jesus during his ministry, passion, death and resurrection.
Join the online book club reading Walk In Her Sandals for Lent. More info HERE.