The Hebgen Lake Earthquake of 1959 struck on a moonlit August night in western Montana,…

A Big Announcement and a Small Request
On Wednesday afternoon, I’m heading out of town for a much-anticipated solitary writing retreat. But before I go, I want to tell you some exciting news . . . and ask a favor. (No, it’s not for you to leave a review of In A Far-Off Land, although that would be appreciated)
First . . . the announcment.
One of the questions I get a LOT is “What are you writing next?” I’m pleased to tell you that my next novel will be published by Tyndale House and once again is historical fiction set in 1930s Los Angeles. It’s based on a true and little-known story of the rise of Nazism in our own country. Here’s a little bit about that:

While the Great Depression was deepening in our country, Germany was coming out of its own economic disaster with the help of a new leader, Adolph Hitler. Most Americans hardly knew his name, but he was already working on a plan to infiltrate our German communities with National Socialists and turn Americans against their Jewish neighbors. Hitler especially wanted to gain control of the Jewish-run Hollywood movie studios in order to spread his anti-Semitic propaganda. Only one man really believed Hitler to be a threat, a Jewish lawyer named Leon Lewis. He took it upon himself to set up a private spy network of Christian men and women who infiltrated the growing fascist groups in Los Angeles and worked together to stop the Nazis plans.
Codename: Edelweiss is a fictionalized account of how Leon Lewis and his spies foiled Hitler’s plan to take over Hollywood.

That’s the historical angle. If you’ve read my novels, you’ll know that I’ll write plenty of family, faith, Hollywood references, and romance into the story based on these real events. This one is no exception and I think you’ll love my main character, Liesl Wiess, as she goes undercover to expose the Nazis infiltrating her German community in Los Angeles while trying to keep her family together.
I’m so excited to be working with the fantastic team of editors, artists, and marketers at Tyndale House again!
Now the request . . .
I’ve found that this is sometimes the only way to get to the heart of the story is to get away from home for a few days. Thus, my upcoming retreat. If you think of it, take a moment to offer up a small prayer for me in the next few days . . . for inspiration, for creativity, for perseverance, and that I will finish this manuscript before my deadline in just a few weeks! In short, I’ll need a small miracle. Thank you!
P.S. Wondering what my writing retreat looks like? I have a wonderful spot at a monastery guesthouse about two hours from home. I has just what I need and nothing I don’t: a small room, a bed, a desk, wifi, a window, and a beautiful place to walk. (winter 2019)

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I prayed your requests and I know God inclined His ear, as He promises He does in the Psalms. I also believe He will bring all your requests to fruition. God bless your trip. You are a wonderful writer and I love your books. I feel like we are friends. So go get er’ done my friend, Elaine
Thank you, Elaine. I need friends like you and your prayers!
Prayers for a productive retreat!
Thank you, Tania!
What exciting news! Your next novel sounds amazing.
Will continually keep you in my prayers! <3
Thank you so much, Raechel!
I will be praying for you! Can’t wait to read it! XOXO
Thank you! It was a lovely retreat and very productive.
Did you make your goal? I did pray for you – as always!
Hello Ms Landsem! I have no idea how I stumbled upon your website. But I’m happy I did…I love your genre and look forward to reading your novels.
On another note, my maiden name is Landsem. My father is Larry Landsem and my great grandpa is Erling Landsem. My great-great grandfather is Lars Landsem. If your last name is a maiden name then we’re connected. If it is a married last name, the we’re related through marriage. Yay!
I will begin the reading process and then reach out soon after. Continued prayers as you finish either the book itself or settling back home.
~Kareen Landsem Benson
Kareen, I’m so sorry I missed this comment when you made it. That is so interesting that you happened upon me! Landsem is my married name and my husband’s family is from North Dakota. His dad’s name is Norm and I’m not sure what his grandfather’s name was. Probably some relation in some way! I do hope you get a chance to read some of my books and please let me know what you think of them.